Talk about the color design of common digital printing patterns


About CMYK color mode
Color attributes
Simply put, CMYK color is a color specifically used for printing. It is another color standard set specifically for the printing industry. It is a color standard for cyan (C), magenta (M), yellow (Y), and black (K). The color changes and their mutual superposition to obtain various colors, CMYK represents the four printing ink colors of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black, and is also the color of the four channels in Photoshop software. Specifically for printing, colors are produced by controlling the overlapping printing of four colors of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black inks on paper, and the number of colors is less than RGB. Computer design application scope: four-color printing, four-color printing, etc.
RGB color is a color standard in the industry. Various colors are obtained by changing the three color channels of red (R), green (G), and blue (B) and superimposing them with each other. RGB is the color representing the three channels of red, green, and blue. This standard includes almost all colors that human vision can perceive. It is one of the most widely used color systems at present. Special feature
CMYK colors are not as rich and full as RGB colors. The running speed in PHOTOSHOP will be slower than RGB colors, and some functions will not be available. Since the number of colors is not as much as RGB colors, when the image is converted from RGB colors to CMYK colors, the colors will be partially lost. (There is no loss from CMYK to RGB), but it is also the *a color standard that can be used for four-color separation printing. RGB is a self-luminous color, which is different from CMYK's reflective principle, so the color gamut of RGB is much larger and brighter than CMYK.
Color mixing setting
CMYK is designed based on the principle of reflection of light, so its mixing method is just the opposite of RGB, which is "subtractive mixing"-when their colors overlap each other, the colors are mixed, but the brightness is reduced. After printing four different inks on white paper, because the ink is transparent, most of the light will pass through the ink to the paper first time, and the reflectivity of white paper is higher, most of the light After being reflected by the white paper, it will pass through the ink for the second time, and then shoot to the eyes. At this time, the light transmission to the ink produces a color effect. In fact, at this time, we are just as if we are looking at multiple overlapping colored glasses. The more light passes through one layer, the brightness decreases a bit, and the colors will mix with each other once. For the superposition of cyan, magenta, and yellow inks, the superposition area of the center three colors is black. The characteristic of subtractive mixing: the more superimposed, the darker. In the software, each of the four channel colors of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black is calculated as a percentage. When 100% is *dark, when 0% is *light, black and color mixing are almost irrelevant. It exists. Most of them are to conveniently adjust the brightness of the color (and in printing, there are many opportunities to use single black).